Bipolar disorder type 1, type 2, sign, symptoms, causes and treatment

Hypomania symptoms in women are common. It can lead to severe mental health issues like bipolar disorder and different mood stabilizers are used for treatment.

Posted by Rukhma Khalid on February 06 , 2023

Bipolar mood disorder:

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterize by alternating periods of depressive symptoms and elevated mood termed either hypomania or mania. Most people experience regular ups and downs. But in bipolar disorder, the range of moods is greater than normal and features extremes.

What are the sign and symptoms of bipolar mood disorder?

Symptoms of bipolar disorder include:

  • Abnormal sleeping patterns
  • A feeling of being alert
  • Active more often than normal
  • Feelings of aggression
  • Intrusive thoughts

What are the types of bipolar disorder?

So, based on the symptoms there are three main types of bipolar disorder

  1. Bipolar I Disorder
  2. Bipolar II Disorder
  3. Cyclothymic Disorder or Cyclothymia

All three types cause symptoms of either mania or depression or both. The difference between each type of bipolar disorder comes down to when they begin. And also classify how severe the manic and depressive symptoms are.

What is the manic episode or hypomanic symptoms?

Some examples of manic symptoms are:

  • Unusual high energy
  • Talkativeness
  • Distractibility
  • Less need for sleep

Some examples of depressive symptoms

  • Feelings of extreme sadness
  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of emotions or motivation
  • Hopelessness
  • Guilt

1. Bipolar I Disorder:

Bipolar disorder type 1 is a common mood disorder that is diagnose by at least one episode of mania that is present for at least seven days. And can be so severe that the person may require hospitalization.

The person may also experience major depressive episodes or symptoms, although some people with Bipolar I may only experience mania without any depression. Mania is the occurrence in the change of one's behavior that is marke by things such as

  • Increased speech
  • Irritability level increases
  • Increased agitation

Depressive Occurrence is mark by a change in mood such as:

  • Feeling sad
  • Empty hopeless or tearful

It typically begins around age 18, although onset can occur at any point in someone's life.

2. Bipolar II Disorder:

A person with Bipolar II disorder will experience episodes of both major depression and hypomania. The symptoms of hypomania are the same as mania, but they're less severe and only last up to four days rather than a week. hypomanic episodes are characterized by a milder form of mania. in experiencing hypomania a person's energy level is higher than normal.

3. Cyclothymic Disorder or Cyclothymia:

Cyclothymia can begin as early as six years of age and may eventually develop into bipolar I or II. A person with cyclothymia disorder will experience hypomanic and depressive symptoms, but never to the extent that they qualify as mania or major depression.

What are the main causes of bipolar disorder?

There is no single cause of the bipolar disorder. The research shows that it may be related to several factors such as:

  1. Genetics
  2. A person's environment
  3. Brain structure

Which diseases are associated with bipolar disorders?

It can cause other mental health problems such as:

  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Alcohol use disorder

What happens to the brain during bipolar disorder?

The biology behind bipolar disorder is quite complex. Important chemical compounds known as neurotransmitters are released by brain cells called neurons. These neurotransmitters send messages between neurons and throughout the body. However, in a person with bipolar disorder, this balance can change. This can result in depressive manic or hypomanic symptoms.

Dopamine levels in bipolar disorder:

So, dopamine is a chemical compound that plays many roles and is associated with making an individual feel very active and happy. However, in bipolar disorder, the levels of dopamine are elevated which leads to mania and hypomania symptoms. So, at the same time, low levels of dopamine can make someone feel unenergetic and tired which puts them into a depressive state.

Serotonin levels in bipolar disorder:

Another hormone is serotonin. It is a chemical compound that acts as a mood-regulating neurotransmitter and influences behavioral functioning. For example, serotonin may play a role in pain sensitivity, motor activity, feeding aggression, and sexual behavior. So, abnormal levels of this neurotransmitter have been associated with depressive symptoms.

What is the treatment of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental health condition. it is possible to reduce and manage the symptoms by a mental health professionals. It treatment takes time, and it is important to stick with it to feel better and enjoy a healthy life. This treatment may include

  1. Antidepressants mood stabilizers
  2. Anxiety medications

These typically can help prevent mania episodes and stabilize mood swings. It also decreases anxiety and improves sleeping patterns.

How can fix bipolar without medication?

It can be cured by therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

This is an effective treatment for decreasing depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder. it can also help decrease relapse rates, and mania severity and improve social functioning. It helps the patient to become aware of his or her feelings and thinks of ways in which to deal with their emotions and or thoughts in better ways.

In this way, bipolar patients have distorted cognitive thoughts. Thus it is proved an effective non-pharmacological treatment option. Someone can come to be happy or sad and change moods almost instantly due to chemical imbalances or changes in certain hormones.