Understanding and Managing Anxiety in Children Under 10

Is your child struggling with anxiety? Discover expert tips and proven techniques for the mental well-being of children.

Posted by Rukhma Khalid on June 12, 2023


Anxiety is a very common emotional experience. Anxiety affects individuals of all ages it also includes young children. In this blog post, we will discuss anxiety in children under 10. Also discussing anxiety common causes, treatment, and root causes.

Childhood anxiety disorder

Common Causes of Childhood anxiety:

Anxiety in children has various factors. While it's important to remember that every child is unique. But many common causes may contribute to their anxiety:

  • Environmental factors
  • Family dynamics
  • Genetics
  • Traumatic experiences:

1. Environmental factors:

Different life changes can trigger anxiety in children such as starting a new school, moving to a new home, or a new sibling,.

2. Family dynamics:

Inconsistent parenting styles, protectiveness, and High levels of parental stress can be the reason for childhood anxiety.

3. Genetics:

Children who have a mental disorder or family history of anxiety are more likely to develop anxiety.

4. Traumatic experiences:

Different types of trauma such as accidents, violence, and natural disasters can trigger anxiety in children.

Treating Anxiety in Children:

Treating anxiety in children requires proper guidance and different therapies, support, and, in some cases, medication. There are different natural ways to treat anxiety in children for example:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Parental involvement
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Gradual exposure
Childhood anxiety causes

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

CBT is commonly used for anxiety disorders in children. It helps children identify negative thought patterns. It also develops healthier coping mechanisms.

2. Parental involvement:

Parents can play a crucial role in supporting their anxious child. Educating yourself about anxiety. Also providing a healthy environment with children, and open communication can also help to manage the anxiety symptoms.

3. Relaxation techniques:

Teaching children relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises can help them manage anxiety when it arises.

4. Gradual exposure:

Systematic desensitization which is Gradual exposure to feared situations can help children overcome their anxieties in a supportive manner.

Understanding the Root of Childhood Anxiety:

Anxiety in children is a complex issue that is triggered by various factors. Here are some key considerations regarding the root causes of childhood anxiety:

  • Biological factors
  • Learned behaviors
  • Emotional regulation

1. Biological factors:

Some children may have a biological predisposition to anxiety due to their brain chemistry or genetic makeup.

2. Learned behaviors:

Children often learn how to respond to situations by observing their parents. If they feel anxious behaviors then they develop their own anxiety gradually.

3. Emotional regulation:

Anxiety can be developed by managing stress and Difficulty in regulating the emotions of a child.

The following resources can be helpful for further information and guidance about the child's anxiety. The NHS website provides informative guidance and advice to parents. The parents who are dealing with anxiety in children. What is Anxiety Feel Like in children. This informative article explores the experience of anxiety and offers insights into its effects.


Anxiety is a common concern among children under 10. By using effective strategies and proper understanding it can be treated. By identifying common causes, treatments, and the root causes of childhood anxiety. Remember, getting professional help for child anxiety is important for the well-being of both the child and the entire family.

Also different Common environmental, family, and genetic causes of anxiety can help out in identifying anxiety in children. It can be treated by Effective treatment strategies such as relaxation techniques, parental involvement and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can make a positive difference in managing childhood anxiety.

By working on trigger factors and common causes of childhood anxiety we can create a supportive and healthy environment that promotes the emotional well-being of children under 10. It will help them to lead happier and healthier lives.