Fatty liver cleaning with the help of different vitamins and Medicines for fatty liver disease

Different Vitamin to clean liver is used now days. Find out the effect of vitamin E, vitamin D etc for cleaning purpose. Also know vitamin good for fatty liver.

Posted by Rukhma Khalid on March 19, 2023

Fatty Liver:

Fatty liver disease (hepatic steatosis) is a condition that affects over 40% of adults in the US. And can cause some major health problems over time such as high cholesterol levels, weight gain, heart problems, and high blood pressure.

Fatty liver vitamin e

What are the functions of liver?

After skin, the liver is the second largest organ in the human body. Its main job is to filter out toxins from the blood and It also stores nutrients (Vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12). It produces liquid call bile. Bile's main function is to help carry away waste and break down fat. The liver has more than over 500 other vital functions.

Now the liver becomes fatty from the consumption of too many inflammatory foods and liquids. These food and liquid includes sugar, vegetable oils, fructose, too many processed carbohydrates, and alcohol. These foods damage the cells in the liver, by causing insulin resistance. The liver cells then start making more and more triglycerides and fats.

So, these triglycerides begin clogging up the liver. This can cause a range of different symptoms such as pain or tenderness in the right side of the body, especially the shoulder, the right side of the neck, or just on top of the right ribcage.

What is the best supplement to reduce fatty liver?

The words "Vitamins" broadly include herbs and supplements that can use to clean fatty liver. Just a quick reminder this blog is for educational purposes only, so do speak to a doctor if someone has any medical concerns. Here discuss some vitamin in detail thar are best for treating fatty liver:

  • Choline/li>
  • Vitamin D (with K2)
  • TUDCA (Bile Salt)
  • Vitamin E (Tocotrienols)
  • Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
  • SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine)

1. Choline:

A person can take 300mg of CDP choline daily to help strip away store fat inside the liver, and help reverse fatty liver disease. This is one of the best nutrients to use if someone has any type of liver damage because it helps the liver to produce bile. It is use to digest fats and remove toxins by breaking down and eliminating them from the body.

Choline is also essential for building a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) that helps to concentrate, sleep better, form new memories, and prevent memory loss with age. Choline can be present in beef liver, organ meats, pasture-raise eggs, shrimp, salmon, scallops, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

2. Vitamin D (with K2):

Studies show that Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Vitamin D is name as the "sunshine vitamin" because bodies make it when the skin is exposed to sunlight (UVB). Billions of people are deficient due to working indoors, genetic mutations, and living. To fulfill its need a person can take 20,000iu (0.5mcg) of Vitamin D3 daily along with 200mcg of Vitamin K2 (Mk7).

These work synergistically to enhance the function of the liver, helping to lower inflammation in the liver cells, prevent scar tissue from forming (fibrosis) and also help the liver cells to regenerate from damage.

What vitamin helps with fatty liver

3. TUDCA (Bile Salt):

The liver produces an important liquid call bile to help break down fats and cholesterol in the body, and absorb fat-soluble nutrients like Vitamins A, D, E, K, etc. Many people are deficient in bile which makes it difficult to digest fats properly, eventually leading to gallbladder problems, gallstones, nutritional deficiencies, and even pancreatitis if a bile duct gets block with a stone. TUDCA is a synthetic version of bear bile, which is using for hundreds of years to treat liver problems and digestive issues.

A person can take 1-2 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach with a tall glass of water to thin out the bile in the liver and help clean out fat and eliminate toxins from the body. Also can take 1-2 more after each meal to help digest the fats in that particular meal. This is particularly useful if someone has had a gallbladder remove.

4. Vitamin E (Tocotrienols):

One of the main jobs of your liver is removing harmful toxins from the body such as pesticides, heavy metals, environmental pollutants, food additives, drugs, medications, and other chemicals. To do this it makes one of the most powerful antioxidants call glutathione.

If the liver is fatty or inflamed then the glutathione levels may drop and toxins can begin building up inside tissues and blood, causing immune problems down the line. To boost glutathione use Vitamin E-rich foods such as unroast sunflower seeds, avocados, almonds, Swiss chard, hazelnuts, and leafy green vegetables.

5. Milk Thistle (Silymarin):

Milk thistle is a herb which is using for healing the body for centuries. So, it contains a group of phytonutrients called silymarin. These phytonutrients have some powerful detoxification properties. It's recommended to take dried milk thistle in its whole form per day. It will help to improve the function of the liver cells (hepatocytes).

Silymarin helps to lower insulin resistance in the body. It's been shown to improve liver enzymes and help detoxify alcohol, medications, poisons, and environmental toxins from the body. And it also boosts glutathione, "the master antioxidant" that can prevent the liver from becoming more damaged and developing fibrosis or cirrhosis (scar tissue).

6. SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine):

Many people develop fatty liver disease due to the consumption of too many inflammatory foods, toxins or medicines. It will cause free radical damage. To counter this damage there is a powerful compound called SAMe which can take in a capsule form at 200mg per day, slowly increasing up to 1,200mg a day, spread out throughout the day.

SAMe improve liver function by boosting glutathione levels and lowering inflammation. Studies also show us that SAMe helps the stage 2 detoxification process in the liver, where it methylates toxins and poisons from the blood and breaks them down into harmless particles.