Vaginal itching, its common causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

You can find information about vaginal burning and itching. Also, find out why vulvar itching worse at night and white discharge and itching.

Posted by Rukhma Khalid on April 17, 2023

Vaginal itching:

Vaginal itching can indicate some serious health issues. These health issues include STDs sexually transmitted infections and sometimes vulvar cancer. It is quite common and usually caused by several things like hormonal changes or an irritating substance.

1. Irritants:

Chemical irritants are present in many products. When these products are come in contact with a vagina and vulva they can trigger an allergic reaction. This reaction called contact dermatitis. So, it makes the vagina sore red, and itchy. Examples of these products that contain chemical irritants are:

  • Feminine spray
  • Douches soaps
  • Shower gel cream
  • Lotions
  • Detergents and many more

2. Skin conditions:

Psoriasis and eczema can cause itching and redness around the vagina. The condition name eczema occurs so it is a rash that occurs in people with asthma and allergies. The rash is usually itchy and red with a scaly texture. Psoriasis causes itchy red and scaly patches on the scalp and Joints and it can also appear on the vulva.

3. Yeast Infection:

The fungus that's normally present in the vagina, when its growth goes unchecked it causes an uncomfortable infection. So it causes burning itching and thick, whitish discharge, stress, pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, and hormonal imbalances before the menstrual period.

4. Bacterial vaginosis:

This is trigger by an imbalance between the naturally occurring good bacteria and bad bacteria. This condition doesn't always cause symptoms. When this condition appears they include itching and abnormal discharge that smells like fish. So, the discharge might be thin, white, or dull gray and it can also foamy.

5. STIs:

A few STIs cause vaginal itching examples to include genital, warts, Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, and many more. These infections can also increases the chance of other symptoms like genital soreness, unusual discharge, and painful urine.


6. Menopause

Estrogen level deceases due to the menopause. Due to this, the risk of vaginal itching is increase. so the drop in estrogen makes the tissues of the vagina and vulva dryer thinner and less elastic resulting in itching.

7. Vulvar cancer

Vaginal itching can be caused by vulvar cancer and this itching doesn't go away or get better when seeking care. The patient should see a health care professional. If the itching is severe and disrupts the daily life or sleep they will help to find and treat the root of the itch. If vaginal itching persists for more than a week or is accompanied by other symptoms like pain, ulcers, genital redness, unusual vaginal discharge, trouble urinating, or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of vaginal itching:

The doctor will ask about symptoms, the severity, how long they've lasts, and sexual activities. A pelvic exam might be carry out during the pelvic exam. So, the doctor will inspect the vulva and use a speculum to see inside the vagina and take a sample of the skin tissue from the vulva. Doctors also take a sample of discharge for medical analysis.

Medical treatment for vaginal itching:

Once the underlying cause of vaginal itching is present then healthcare professionals will recommend treatment options. the treatment usually depends on the patient's condition for example:

  • Yeast infections are treating with anti-fungal medications. It can be pills creams or ointment.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is treat with antibiotics which can be pills or creams with which insert into the vagina.
  • STIs are treated with antibiotics anti-parasitics or antivirals. The patient will also be advised to avoid sex until the infection clears.
  • For menopause-related itching, estrogen cream tablets or a vaginal ring insert might be prescribed.

Home remedies for vaginal itching:

  • Home remedies use warm water to wash the genital area.
  • Do not use scented soaps, bubble baths, or lotions
  • Avoid vaginal sprays and douches
  • Wear cotton underwear and they should be changed daily
  • Get tested for STIs and encourage