10 foods that fight cancer and prevent from spreading in the body

Here discuss the best cancer-fighting food and foods that help to prevent cancer. Also, find out about anti-cancer fruit such as blueberries' health benefits and many more.

Posted by Rukhma Khalid on March 29 , 2023

Cancer is a disease where the DNA and genes inside cells get damage and causing the cells to start mutating and growing uncontrollably. Unlike healthy cells, cancer cells become immortal and start spreading at a rapid rate throughout the body, using up nutrients and burning through sugar reserves. As the cells mutate they form tumors causing cancer in different areas like the bowels, liver, pancreas, or lungs for example. Cancerous cells also destroy nerves, blood vessels, and organs and eventually cause death.

10 Foods cancer fighting food:

Fortunately, there are natural foods that contain healing properties, which help to prevent cells from becoming cancerous such as:

  1. Raw Garlic
  2. Broccoli Sprouts
  3. Blueberries
  4. Sauerkraut
  5. Cruciferous Vegetables
  6. Turmeric & Black Pepper
  7. Mushrooms
  8. Matcha Green Tea
  9. Wild Caught Fish
  10. Dark Chocolate (Sugar-Free)

1. Raw Garlic:

Eating crushed, raw garlic on a regular basis can help to block the growth of cancerous cells in the body. It contains natural chemicals such as ajoene, allicin, and sulfur which boost antioxidant activity in the body, protecting cells, mitochondria, and DNA from damage. It's important that you crush garlic to activate allicin, and make sure that you don’t cook it, as heat destroys this delicate compound.

2. Broccoli Sprouts:

Broccoli sprouts are 2-3 day old microgreens that are sprouted from broccoli seeds. They are rich in an anti-cancer chemical called sulforaphane, which causes cancer cells to commit suicide but leaves healthy cells intact. Broccoli sprouts contain 100x more sulforaphane than fully-grown broccoli. Studies show that when a person eats more sulforaphane, the liver produces more enzymes that break down toxins and chemicals in the body. (that could have cause cancer in the long term). However, adding them on top cook vegetables, as the enzymes within helps the stomach absorb more nutrients from the cooked foods. Or can simply toss them into a healthy salad.

3. Blueberries:

Start eating a small handful of blueberries every single day to improve overall health and strengthen the immune system. Anthocyanins are present in blueberries giving them black/purple/reddish color. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage, that occurs from sugar, junk foods, vegetable oils, etc. Other anti-cancerous berries include bilberries, blackberries, strawberries, and gooseberries.

4. Sauerkraut:

Sauerkraut is a type of ferment cabbage often consumed in Germany and is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C in the world. Cancer often spreads into areas of inflammation and swelling in the body, where tissues are inflame. Vitamin C however helps to lower this inflammation and remove free radicals in the blood in order to reduce the risk of cancer.

It's important that eat foods rich in the real Vitamin C complex, as 'ascorbic acid' supplements do not have the same effect as whole foods. Sauerkraut is rich in prebiotics and probiotics (friendly bacteria) that help to feed colon cells and prevent the growth of polyps, tumors, and bowel cancer. Other excellent fermented foods are Plain Greek yogurt (full fat), kimchi, miso, and kefir.

5. Cruciferous Vegetables:

Many people eat lots of junk food and sugar and perhaps alcohol. This can cause toxins to build up inside the bones, the liver, the tissues, and other organs which can raise the risk of cancer later in life. Fortunately, someone can help his body to start removing these carcinogenic toxins by eating lots of organic cruciferous vegetables. Such as kale, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, beet tops, arugula, bok choy, collard greens, watercress, etc.

Vegetables in the brassica family are full of anti-cancer phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbon, potassium, Vitamin C, B vitamins, and magnesium. These nutrients help liver enzymes to break down toxins into harmless water-soluble particles that can be released through urine. This is called phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification. However, it’s best to eat them raw in a salad with other veggies like tomatoes, spring onions, herbs, etc.


6. Turmeric & Black Pepper:

Turmeric is one of the most well-known natural medicines. It is use to lower inflammation and also helps in stimulating the healing process of the body. So, start adding powder turmeric to stir-fries, curries, soups, and stews or it can be use to make herbal tea. The active ingredient inside turmeric is called curcumin, and has been shown to prevent cancerous tumors from growing new blood vessels. This helps to starve cancer off cancer cells and prevent them from spreading. Moreover, also adds black pepper because it contains piperine.

7. Mushrooms:

In China, mushrooms have been using for centuries to help fight off diseases and boost the immune system against viruses and infections. Since the 1970s in Japan and China, certain plant chemicals are extract from mushrooms (PSP & PSK) and use as part of a treatment plan for cancer. So, some of the best anti-cancer mushrooms to eat are turkey tail, cordyceps, chaga, lions mane, reishi, and maitake. These actually have over 40 different phytonutrients that help to fight/prevent cancer, such as quercetin, hispolon, baicalein, and many others.

8. Matcha Green Tea:

Start consuming 2 cups of matcha green tea on a daily basis to improve health. So, compared to regular green tea, matcha contains more chlorophyll and has more concentrated nutrients with healing properties. Moreover, One of its major compounds name EGCG, prevents cancer cells from spreading from a tumor to other tissues and organs throughout the body.

9. Wild Caught Fish:

Cancer usually forms and spreads to parts of the body that are inflame and damaged, so it's important to keep inflammation under control. Wild fish will lower the risk of developing cancer. So, some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods are sardines, mackerel, and salmon wild fish. These fish contains a large amount of active Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA & EPA). It will help the body to bring down inflammation.

When following a medical plan for cancer, it's important to eat these often to help body cope with the chemotherapy drugs and medications. So, also can take Antarctic Krill Oil as a supplement (500mg) daily because there are powerful cancer-fighting carotenoids and antioxidants.

10. Dark Chocolate (Sugar-Free):

Cacao beans which are use to make chocolate are packed full of antioxidants and phytonutrients such as chlorogenic acid, which have also been shown to ward off cancer. It actually contains more flavanols than blueberries and acai, so adding this to rotation is a great way to boost antioxidants in the body. Make sure that choose a high percentage of organic dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids) sweetened with stevia, and not sugar. Eating a couple of cubes per day can help control blood pressure, help to regulate cholesterol, and also lower cortisol, the stress hormone that makes gain weight.

There are some additional foods that have anti-cancer properties such as:

  • Black Seed Oil
  • Red Algae
  • Sweet Wormwood
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Ginger
  • Celery
  • Walnuts
  • Oregano
  • Ashwagandha
  • Soursop